Friday, April 24, 2009

15 Weeks

I just read my post from 2 weeks ago about how miserable pregnancy is and thought to myself:
"Who is this whiny person and what is her problem? Pregnancy is awesome!"
Thank God for the second trimester!!! I have not been nauseous and the metal taste is mostly gone. I have to marvel at how quickly I have forgotten the misery of a mere two weeks ago.
I have energy again...not a ton, but more than before. Also, my aversion to coffee is over! Yay! I am drinking a caramel macchiatto right now. Mmmmmm!
I got a letter from AIM yesterday that said that we didn't make enough to qualify......WHAT?!?!?! So I looked at our profit and loss and saw that somehow I had our tithe as a business expense. Preggo-brain! I wrote a letter of appeal telling them of my mistake and begged them to look over my application one more time. Now I am praying like a maniac that they will see it for the mistake it is and approve me.
Please pray people!!! We really need this insurance. Mama needs an epidural:)


  1. So glad your feeling better. I will pray for the AIM to go through. I had that for two of my kids and it was amazing!

  2. What is AIM? I'm glad your aversion to coffee is over too. I love me a macchiato!

  3. AIM is state preggo insurance for people who don't have insurance(us) or people whose deductable is greater than $500. You pay 1 1/2 percent of your annual income and not a dime more for your entire pregnancy and delivery.

  4. Dear Amy I'm glad you're doing better. :D I love you soo much and I hope you get that insurance thing.
    ~ Weasel =)

  5. glad you are feeling better!! I hate those yucky feeling first few months!!


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