Saturday, January 02, 2010


This is our first family picture of the new year.

We need to work on getting Travis to look at the freaks him out a little.

I love my kids...and my new hat.

I realized this evening that Travis is three months old today! Um, where did the time go?!? Here's a picture of him in his new Bumbo.

I decided to bite the bullet and buy it new after searching every second hand baby store in town as well as craigslist with no luck. One second hand baby store had a used blue Bumbo with a tray, but it was priced at $44.00! Brand new at Target I got the chair for $35.00, and the tray for $10.00. I think it was worth it though because the boy LOVES it. I love to say the name...BUMBO! Try it, it's fun:) He's not very strong in the sitting position yet, so we will have to ease him into it a few minutes at a time while he gets stronger.

1 comment:

  1. "BUMBO!" "BUMBO!" "BUMBO!"; hahaha people are beginning to look at me funny. I just had to explain that it's Dumbo's dad's name.


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