Tuesday, January 05, 2010


I don't like going to the gym. Getting the kids ready, getting myself ready, getting in the car, driving across town, finding a parking spot, dropping the kids at day care, going to the class/bike/weight room, waiting for machine, watching the fat sweaty guy NOT wipe down the machine, picking up the kids from day care, driving home without stopping for a whopper...it's just not my thing. I would rather work out at home or outside.

Today was day 1 of the 30 Day Shred with Jillian Michaels. Ouch. I am so out of shape and so weak that I couldn't make it all the way through the 20 minute workout...I had to stop several times to catch my breath or rest my screaming muscles! (This is where you point and laugh) At the end I felt like I was going to throw up. Yeah, I am THAT out of shape. I haven't worked out in just under a year. Last year at this time I was walking and doing pilates every day, then I got pregnant and my body decided that walking would be painful and life draining for me, then I had a baby, and then the holidays hit. All that combined to make me the weakest I have ever been.

I really liked all the moves on the DVD and I am so excited to watch my body change as I get stronger.
Weight wise I have 4 pounds of preggo weight , about 2 pounds of holiday weight, and 5-10 pounds of "when did this get here?" to lose. I forgot to get my "before" measurements this morning, so I will do that before tomorrows workout(if I can get out of bed).


  1. I hear ya sister!! I have a rough time getting to the gym because I can only go when Zeb doesn't work so he can stay with Hannah. I have been going to the gym at least four days a week for the past two weeks and I am thinking I would like to get some kind of video to work out at home also. I have been feeling a bit hopeless lately because I don't see results quite yet but I know it will pay off. I still have at least 30 lbs to lose haha so I would say you are in pretty good shape;) The first of the pregnancy weight fell off and now it just seems the rest will take some hard work arr. We should work out together some time!!

  2. Awesome! You're doing great. 30 Day Shred is a killer though! I loved doing it, but I enjoy going to the gym. And I just don't have the discipline to work out at home.
    You've got such a small amount to lose, you will be back in shape in NO TIME!!! :)

  3. Can you send me a copy? "30 day shred" I feel stronger just saying the words. You are really brave to find the time to excercise with all your mom stuff you have to do.
    I probably would never excercise if it weren't for the fact that my only mode of transportation is a bike.

  4. Well i'm proud of you sis. I've barely worked out this year so far. Where'd you get the video? Maybe i'll try it with you!


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