Thursday, January 07, 2010


So yesterday I was way too sore to workout walk...the 30 day shred made my muscles turn into painful jello. I could feel muscles that I had not felt in years and it felt so good.

I had every intention of doing the workout today, but then I got about three hours of very choppy sleep last night, making laundry my biggest form of exercise for the day. Coffee didn't help. I was too tired to even nap in between feeding and changing and playing with the boy.

Tomorrow is a new day and I am going to workout. I know that once I get a routine down I will start to crave the exercise. I can't wait to get past the point where working out makes me dog tired, and get to the point where it invigorates me.

Tomorrow my friends newborn baby will be having surgery and I have signed up to pray during the times that I feed Travis. If you think about it tomorrow from 7-4 please throw up a little prayer for baby Arden and the family and doctors. Thanks friends!


  1. oh no poor little punkin!!! My friend just posted about this on FB.

  2. poor baby.
    take a hot bath and relax a little. =)


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