Sunday, July 25, 2010

Applique tie onesies

I have been seeing these applique tie onesies everywhere and think that they are so cute!

I decided to try my hand at them, so I drew up a pattern and cut it out of the cardboard back of an empty notebook. I used cardboard because I knew I would be using it over and over again. I made mine shorter than the ones I have seen because I wanted the whole tie to be visible when there are pants on with the onesie.

Once I made my first one I was hooked! I wanted to add a tie to every onesie in my son's closet. I was able to refrain myself, though that may just be due to the late hour and the exhaustion that finally sent me to bed around 2 am.

Whoops! Time flies when I'm being crafty:)

I didn't take any pictures of the process because, again, if it sucked I didn't want proof. Now I wish I had taken some. If for nothing else than to show you my 1 am goofs of wondering why oh why the tie wasn't adhering to the garment, only to realize that I forgot to remove the paper backing from the Heat 'N' Bond! It would have been okay if I did that just once, but nope: 4 times! Yep, I am that cool. *Sigh*

This is my first one and the stitching is a little bit, uh, everywhere, but I still think it came out alright.

This is my second one and I love the way the stripes are diagonal on the tie and vertical on the "knot". This is my favorite one. I got the hang of it after the first one(other than the darn Heat N Bond paper) and was able to have some fun with this one.

I did this one next. I found this camo fabric and just had to do something with it. I was worried it would be too dark, but it came out pretty sweet looking.

I love the way they turned out and can't wait to see my sweet boy crawling around in them.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

My first sewing project.

I took a Sewing 101 class a few weeks ago at a local fabric store, The Fabulous Fabric Shop and wanted to try my hand at making something before the dress making class I signed up for next(I like to just jump right in). I decided on a tie for my 9 month old son Travis. I didn't take any pictures of the process because, well, if it sucked i didn't want any proof of it's existence. It didn't turn out quite how i wanted it too, but I think that's because I used flannel. I plan to make him another one out of a thinner cotton to see if it comes out a little better. Even with it's imperfections, I still think it turned out pretty darn cute!
Travis wore it to church last week and I got countless compliments on it.
 I will be making him several more for sure!

Friday, July 23, 2010


Jon left this morning to go camping and Travis was down for his morning nap, leaving just me and Brooklyn to occupy ourselves. Brooklyn is on a No TV day today because of a poor attitude yesterday, so we had to come up with something fun for her to do that did not involve a television.

We had bought this birdhouse awhile back at Joannes. It was 50% off and we thought it was so cute. I pulled out paint and newspaper and she let her creativity loose.

I just love the way the paints look in this old muffin tin that I bought at a garage sale for a quarter!

This is Brooklyn painting her birdhouse. She had so much fun!

While she was painting I went through my e-mails and then got to blog surf while drinking coffee.
 I found so many great crafty blogs and am feeling so inspired! I found an adorable book bag at Mmmcrafts that I plan to make for Brooklyn for 2nd grade. She likes them so much better than a backpack and at this age all she really needs it for is homework and library books, so it doesn't have to be super large. Here is the tutorial for The Basic Messenger Bag that I am going to use. Brooklyn wants her bag to be all purple with stars and a "B" appliqued on the front. I am so excited to get started on it!

Here is the finished birdhouse:

Friday, July 02, 2010

9 months and a sunburn

Today Travis is nine months old. This morning we had his check up with the Dr and found out that he has dropped from the 10th percentile of weight to the 3rd. Yikes! I knew he was little, but really? He weighs 15.1 pounds. They weighed him twice just to make sure. So now I have to add a scoop of formula to his meals for extra calories. We have an appointment in one month to see how he is doing...she wants him to have gained 2 pounds by then. Other than that he is a strong, healthy and active little boy! Now I just have to fatten him up a bit:)
After his appointment I met some friends at the lake for some mommy/kid fun time. There is so much crap you have to take with you when you take kids to the lake. I pretty much take everything I can ever imagine needing because on the rare occasion that I did not pack a certain thing it was the one thing that was needed. I think a wagon would be a handy thing to have for the next time I do this so that Brooklyn can pull all the stuff in it while I push the boy in the stroller.
Now I am sunburned and was worth it. The kids had a blast. Travis ate dirt and put every rock he could get his grubby little hands on into his mouth, and Brooklyn swam and made sand castles with friends while I talked with my mommy friends.
We had a great time and can't wait to do it all again!