Saturday, July 24, 2010

My first sewing project.

I took a Sewing 101 class a few weeks ago at a local fabric store, The Fabulous Fabric Shop and wanted to try my hand at making something before the dress making class I signed up for next(I like to just jump right in). I decided on a tie for my 9 month old son Travis. I didn't take any pictures of the process because, well, if it sucked i didn't want any proof of it's existence. It didn't turn out quite how i wanted it too, but I think that's because I used flannel. I plan to make him another one out of a thinner cotton to see if it comes out a little better. Even with it's imperfections, I still think it turned out pretty darn cute!
Travis wore it to church last week and I got countless compliments on it.
 I will be making him several more for sure!

1 comment:

  1. Cute and he's just ADORABLE! Congrats on the sewing. I've never made a dress, myself. But I want to someday :)


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