Friday, July 23, 2010


Jon left this morning to go camping and Travis was down for his morning nap, leaving just me and Brooklyn to occupy ourselves. Brooklyn is on a No TV day today because of a poor attitude yesterday, so we had to come up with something fun for her to do that did not involve a television.

We had bought this birdhouse awhile back at Joannes. It was 50% off and we thought it was so cute. I pulled out paint and newspaper and she let her creativity loose.

I just love the way the paints look in this old muffin tin that I bought at a garage sale for a quarter!

This is Brooklyn painting her birdhouse. She had so much fun!

While she was painting I went through my e-mails and then got to blog surf while drinking coffee.
 I found so many great crafty blogs and am feeling so inspired! I found an adorable book bag at Mmmcrafts that I plan to make for Brooklyn for 2nd grade. She likes them so much better than a backpack and at this age all she really needs it for is homework and library books, so it doesn't have to be super large. Here is the tutorial for The Basic Messenger Bag that I am going to use. Brooklyn wants her bag to be all purple with stars and a "B" appliqued on the front. I am so excited to get started on it!

Here is the finished birdhouse:

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