Friday, February 04, 2011

Clothespin Apron and a Rice Bag

My mom read my blog and e-mailed me, telling me that she would love one of these for her birthday:

 When a mama gives you such a direct hint, you cannot under any circumstance ignore it! It is so hard for me to shop for her that I was thrilled to have a gift for her that I knew she was going to love. Cheating? So what!

I had some trouble with the pattern directions when I made mine, so I changed a few things on this one. I used the pattern pieces from the book One Yard Wonders, but instead of following their directions I just sewed it together using bias tape. I think this one looks so much better!

My mom loves roses and this fabric reminded me of her:) So pretty!

I had some left over fabric so I decided to make my mom a neck heating bag.

Every mom should have one of these! Seriously:)

Her birthday was the day after Christmas,
but I just realized that I never posted these.

Happy Birthday Mom! ;)

I am linking up with these fun parties.


  1. These are so cute! I'm sure your mom loved them!
    Way to follow through on the hints! Every mom needs a daughter like that. ;)

  2. Great job! Although I think they both look super! Way to go on improvising. I have hard time with that. I'm very much by the book. If a recipe says 1 tsp, I get out a teaspoon and measure, I can't wing it!

  3. Cute! Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Monday!

  4. Great gift idea, Amy. In fact, my mom would love a set of these, too! Mother's Day idea...

  5. The apron turned out really well.


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