Thursday, February 10, 2011

Oh YUM! Valentines Treat

Tomorrow is Brooklyn's class Valentine party and I wanted to send something for her to share with the class other than cupcakes. Last year 4 parents sent in cupcakes for the Valentines Party, so each kid got 4 cupcakes. Yep, 4.

I will not add to the insanity!!!

I came across a Valentine Confetti recipe posted by This Blessed Nest. It looked so pretty and sounded so yummy, but my favorite part is that it is not a cupcake! 
No offense to the cupcake moms;)

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I air popped my popcorn instead of using microwave popcorn because that’s what I had. I love getting to use my adorable little air popper…it just makes me so happy!

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  I still had some of these left over from making Peppermint Bark. Oh yeah!! I melted these in the microwave and then mixed it in with the popcorn.

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I poured it out onto waxed paper, took red and pink sprinkles and went a little crazy;)
To help the mixture set up I put the tray in the freezer for a few minutes.

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I broke it into smaller pieces and filled a sandwich bag for each of the students. Then I had Brooklyn add a scoop of Valentine M&M’s to each bag…She loved getting to help.

Jon and Brooklyn couldn’t keep their hands off of it,
so I am pretty sure it will be a hit tomorrow.

Linking up with these awesome blogs:)


  1. this looks so yummy! no fair posting at midnight when I can't run to the store for the ingredients. ;)

  2. I love this idea and it could be used for any holiday! My kids are grown, but I love to make things for my Bible Study group and also for the people I work with. Thanks for posting!

  3. mmm this looks good! when I was in school one of my friends moms used to make sugar i am wishing I knew how she did it!

  4. Amy-
    You thrilled again! Your yummy treat was this week's most clicked link at Weekend Wander. Come grab a(nother) featured button if you'd like! They moved to the right side bar.


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