Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I got an award!

I received this award from Samantha at My Endless To Do's
Her tag line says "A Mother's work is never done."
So true!

I am not going to follow all the rules.
I know, I know...the rule follower is not following the rules.
Get used to it because I am becoming a bit of a rebel;)

1. I bite my nails. Bad. I go through phases where i stop...sometimes for years.
But then I start again.

2. I have a hard time sticking to a schedule. I blame it all on my mom who changed up our schedule 100 times when I was growing up. Yes Mom, I am blaming this one on you;) Ha ha ha!

3. I despise grape and banana candy. Can't stand it! Grape Skittles are disgusting. 

Here is a post I did with some more random things about me:

Now I am passing this award on to:

Spring Fling Giveaways {Day 11}

Sorry I have been MIA lately...we had our power go out off and on and then it went off for quite awhile as a power pole needed to be replaced due to the storms.

Then the sun came out and I spent every moment I could walking outside which caused me to pull a butt muscle. Yep. Exercise is bad.

Anyway, here are today's giveaways! Go check them out:)

$30 Gift Certificate to B. Inspired Vintage from


Set of Decorative Tiles from

Good luck friends!

Friday, March 25, 2011


This is the window in my almost 18 month old sons bedroom:

Do you see my problem?
It is too bright and he doesn't get a good nap.
That makes for a cranky baby and an equally unhappy Mama.

I had seen some blackout curtains on clearance at Target awhile back so yesterday I went to see if they were still there. Nope. Oh, they had some, but they were 20 dollars for one 45" wide panel, and they were BLACK. I didn't have 40 dollars to spend,
and really didn't want black curtains in my little boys room.

As I walked by another clearance end cap I saw this:
It's a shower curtain!

I held it up and it seemed to block quite a bit of light, so I scooped one up to test out in Travis' bedroom. After testing it out I realized that to cover the window I would need a second one, so today I ran to get it, praying the whole way that it was still there.
It was! Yay! 

See why I was so excited? Yep, $3.74
Plus I loved the color and the pattern.
(The first picture shows the true color of the curtain)

I also got two packages of these at $1.08 to hang my new curtains.

Here is the room with a light on so you can see the dresser under the window.
I am eventually going to paint it orange(I think).

Here it is again with the light off.

We already had this curtain rod which was given to us by a friend who didn't want it.
Gotta love FREE, right?

Here are my clearance shower curtains!!!

I love them in the space, but now I am realizing just how little I have done in this little boys bedroom. There is no wall art and the paint color is BORING. I didn't want to paint until I knew what theme I was going with and over a year and a half later I still can't choose! Dinosaurs, cars, sports, robots, superheros, bugs???

I am excited to say that these curtains have helped me to decide...I am doing COLOR!
Bold primary colors. I plan to mix themes as long as the colors jive.

You can see here that the curtains do not touch the ground.
I don't care.
I paid less than $10 and have a boy who can nap now!

Here is Travis checking out the new digs...he approves.
Linking up to the blogs in my Linky Party Tab.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Spring Fling Giveaways {Day 5&6}

Sorry I am just now getting to this!

Our power was out most of the day and I played cards with my hunny all day.
I kicked his butt most of the time;)

Here are the giveaways:

Bloom Necklace from

Mustard Yellow Burlap Flower from

Diaper & Wipes Case, Owl Plushie + An added surprise...from

 A Spring Cleaning Apron from

Miss Beachy Keen from

So many great giveaways, so go enter!

Natural All Purpose Cleaner

In doing what I can to keep toxins out of my home,
I have switched to a homemade all natural cleaner.

I don't know if you can tell, but I love me some LEMONS! ;)

 This is the recipe I use to make my Natural All Purpose Cleaner:
Take a spray bottle from the Dollar Tree and some Vinegar.

Fill the bottle halfway with the Vinegar, then add in as much lemon juice as you want.
Lemons are antibacterial and smell so fresh, which helps to disguise the vinegar smell.
My husband is not a fan of said vinegar smell;)

Then fill the rest of the way with distilled water.

Label the bottle with the contents.
Shake before using.

I use this cleaner for EVERYTHING!
I love that I don't have to worry about cleaning around my kids and animals
or about adding more toxins to my house when I am cleaning.

Nothing but a naturally fresh, clean home.

Do you have any natural cleaning methods? I would love to hear them!
Linking up with the blogs on my Linky Party Tab.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I'll bet you're here to find out who won this:

First let me tell you how much I loved all your random comments!
Y'all are some weirdies!!!

One thing that really bummed me out though was just how many of you are NO-REPLY bloggers...Meaning that I could not e-mail you back with just how witty/strange/random you are and tell you that I shot milk out of my nose when I read your comments.

I wasn't actually drinking milk during any comment reading,
but if I were I would have liked to have told you about it. Then you would have laughed at me and we would have writen back and forth and would have become bloggy bffs and
would name our next children after each other.

But alas, it cannot be.

If you would like to get e-mails back in response to your comments, do this:
~Go to your Dashboard
~Click Edit Profile(to the right of your profile image)
~Check the little box that says "Show E-mail"
~Save Changes

Now that we have that out of the way, let's get on with the show!
The winner is:
Number 152 out of 162
(I used

You have 48 hours to contact me to claim your prize:)

Spring Fling Giveaways {Day 4}

Today's Giveaways Are:

A Headband with interchangeable crochet flowers:


A Spring Bouquet of Hair Accessories:
By Jennifer @ My Mommy Can

Good Luck Friends!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How I clean my microwave naturally

Yep, more LEMONS!

I love {LEMONS}!

Warning: Grossness ahead!

Here is my dirty microwave. Pretty gross right?

Not gonna lie, this is not even the worse that it has been.

I used to hate cleaning the microwave
until I discovered this cleaning method several years ago:

Put a cup with water and the juice of one lemon in the microwave.
I also throw the peels in there for the lemon oil essence.
Microwave on high for 3 minutes and let it sit for 10 minutes.

When you open it you will see this...lemony condensation.

See the moisture in there? That is what has softened all the crud.
Use a damp cloth and wipe out the microwave.
It comes right off!!!

No scrubbing, no toxic chemicals...just a fresh clean microwave.

Look at how shiny it is!

Yet another reason why I love {LEMONS}!

Linking up to the blogs in my LINKY PARTIES tab

Spring Fling Giveaways {Day 3}

Today's Giveaways are:

A super cute Polka Dot Apron(Go to her site to see a full picture):


A Chocolate and Salmon Vintage Inspired Necklace:
By Anna @ Ask Anna

Good luck friends!!!