Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I'll bet you're here to find out who won this:

First let me tell you how much I loved all your random comments!
Y'all are some weirdies!!!

One thing that really bummed me out though was just how many of you are NO-REPLY bloggers...Meaning that I could not e-mail you back with just how witty/strange/random you are and tell you that I shot milk out of my nose when I read your comments.

I wasn't actually drinking milk during any comment reading,
but if I were I would have liked to have told you about it. Then you would have laughed at me and we would have writen back and forth and would have become bloggy bffs and
would name our next children after each other.

But alas, it cannot be.

If you would like to get e-mails back in response to your comments, do this:
~Go to your Dashboard
~Click Edit Profile(to the right of your profile image)
~Check the little box that says "Show E-mail"
~Save Changes

Now that we have that out of the way, let's get on with the show!
The winner is:
Number 152 out of 162
(I used

You have 48 hours to contact me to claim your prize:)


  1. No-reply bloggers always disappoints me.... I like responding to my comments!

  2. I read the comments too- they were hilarious! I also don't like no-reply comments. I like to reply. Replying is fun- and I'm going to try to get the word reply in here one more time! :)
    Have a great day! Congrats on a great give away.
    p.s. you don't have to reply to this crazy comment. ;)

  3. I had no idea about the no reply thingy.. Thanks for sharing I went straight to my dashboard and change that sucker immediately!

  4. I'm Ashley! Woo-hoo! I can't find your e-mail address on here, so I'll give you mine... I'm so excited! Thank you!

  5. Haha! You are soo funny! If I was drinkiing Milk while reading this post, I would have joined you with the Milk shooting out of my nose thing. :p haha, Love you!

  6. I also like replying to comments... and Amy... you are one funny chick! I love your humour! And congrats to the winner!


Your comments make my day! I read each and every one...sometimes multiple times, and I love to be able to write back when I can. Thank you!!!