Thursday, March 24, 2011

Natural All Purpose Cleaner

In doing what I can to keep toxins out of my home,
I have switched to a homemade all natural cleaner.

I don't know if you can tell, but I love me some LEMONS! ;)

 This is the recipe I use to make my Natural All Purpose Cleaner:
Take a spray bottle from the Dollar Tree and some Vinegar.

Fill the bottle halfway with the Vinegar, then add in as much lemon juice as you want.
Lemons are antibacterial and smell so fresh, which helps to disguise the vinegar smell.
My husband is not a fan of said vinegar smell;)

Then fill the rest of the way with distilled water.

Label the bottle with the contents.
Shake before using.

I use this cleaner for EVERYTHING!
I love that I don't have to worry about cleaning around my kids and animals
or about adding more toxins to my house when I am cleaning.

Nothing but a naturally fresh, clean home.

Do you have any natural cleaning methods? I would love to hear them!
Linking up with the blogs on my Linky Party Tab.


  1. Love this Amy, thank you! :) I bet it works great on your CD pail.

  2. Okay, I love all your natural cleaning tips! Would you love to come share them next month as part of Housewife MacGyver?


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