Sunday, June 05, 2011

Roses and Rust

I went to the Roses & Rust Vintage Home and Garden Market yesterday in Anderson
and I came home with a few treasures. There were so many amazing vendors there
and it was inspiration overload!

Jon was fishing and Brooklyn was at a birthday party, so it was just me and Travis. He was quite the little celebrity...I could not go more than five feet without stopping to talk to people about how Travis broke his leg and for them to play peek-a-boo with him.

He thought that the people were there to see him and he hammed it up real good. At one point a family was walking past us as the mother let out a big laugh which Travis loudly copied while throwing his head back. Everyone around erupted with laughter and then the "He is so cute! Oh my gosh what happened to his leg?" started all over again. He loved it.

I bought this adorable tiny aqua basket to put tiny things in...
probably on my dresser or in the hutch when it is finished.

This bird bath caught my eye right away, but I left it and walked around the rest of the show only to come back to it because I could not get it out of my head!
I am so glad that it was still there:)

I {LOVE} the little birds on it.
I am going to paint this and am going to use it for a jewelry tray.

I fell instantly in love with this aqua folding shelf.
I wasn't sure where I was going to put it but I just couldn't bear to leave it there.
For now it will go in my bathroom to put stuff on,
but I can see it as a plant stand on my deck sometime in the future.

I love the mesh arch on the top.

I got this shelf to hang in the living room.
I loved the shape and that the shelves are different depths.

Once I got it home and really looked at it I noticed just how poorly it was painted.

You can't really see it very well in these pictures, but this shelf looks like a child painted it. There are drips and paint brush strokes all over in every direction...
painted all willy-nilly.

I thought that I could live with it,
but the more I look at it the more I feel the need to sand it down and paint it properly.

There is a difference between Shabby Chic and just plain "Shabby".

All in all it was a fun day and a great show
and I plan to go back again in October for the next one.


  1. love that basket!! I am pretty sure I saw that shelf there.. great finds!!! I wish now I had gone back before it closed and looked again with so many people there it was so hard to really look in the barn

  2. I love the bird bath, it is simply lovely.

  3. Pretty good finds. Love the birdbath.Does it really need to be painted? Looks pretty good from this end.

  4. Those are some great finds, lucky you! I especially love the bird bath.

  5. A girl after my own heart! Great stuff. Oh and i just got a coffee table and a certain 22 month old thinks it's fun to stand on top of it!!

  6. Great finds, Amy. I love the bird bath and the shelf. Sounds like a great market.


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