Tuesday, September 27, 2011

19 weeks and feeling alright:)

I have my ultrasound in two weeks...
hopefully the baby cooperates so we'll be able to see what we are having!

I am feeling pretty large, but so far I have only gained 5 pounds. 

This is my view. Toes are gone already...

I am finally getting to the point where daily life isn't kicking my butt anymore
and I can actually be a little productive.

The last couple days I have been working on a few projects.
One involves yellow paint and my Purdy;)
Oh how I LOVE my Purdy!

Hopefully they will be completed soon and I can share them with you:)


  1. Hey stranger! Check you out :) You look so cute!!! Glad you're feeling a bit better. I was getting out my winter clothes to go through and thinking "thank God, I'm not pregnant this time" lol :) Keep us posted!

  2. Aww aren't you adorable!!! I don't even want to say what I had gained by 19 weeks!! :( Can't wait to find out what you are having!

  3. ahh i did know you were pregnant i missed that some how! im so excited for you guys!:)

  4. You are adorable! Looking pregnant is fun when you're pregnant... not so much when you're no longer pregnant and just still have the tummy hanging around... :)

  5. Oh you look so cute Amy! yay for posting fun preggo pictures. Can't wait to see what you're painting! I love yellow.

  6. wow so nice to see! We got 3 boys 1 girl but the youngest is almost 17 years now. So have a nice time with your little children because before you know you bring your son infront of the church to give him to his wife (I did some weeks ago).
    Nice day!


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