Thursday, October 06, 2011

I'm having a...


I am so very excited to be having another son! My appointment was not supposed to be until NEXT Wednesday, but I just could not wait that long to find out. I called yesterday, begging and pleading for an earlier appointment and was given one for the next day.

The images were quite obvious that it is a boy. I am elated for Travis to have a little brother to play with and also totally stoked because it will make room sharing so much easier. Plus, I still have all of Travis' clothes:)

Yipee! I am excited to make some baby boy stuff and to get started on the BOY room:)


  1. Congratulations! Such wonderful news, so happy for you and your family

  2. Congrats!!! So happy for you!

  3. Congrats on the new addition! This is such an excited time.

  4. congrats Amy, I'm sooo excited for you! Little boys are amazing :)


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