Friday, October 07, 2011

Moms' Car-GO Box

Between school, soccer, church, moms group, and just plain ol' errands I spend alot of time in and out of the car. I am sure all you moms feel the same way;) Some days are just crazier than others and require us to be gone longer than planned which can turn into hungry, cranky kids(and mom for that matter).

**Here are a few things that I keep in the car for those little daily emergencies.**

  • Flat of water bottles (this comes in handy almost daily)
  • A dish pan to keep all my little things organized
  • Diapers
  • Wipes
  • Changing Pad
  • Notebook
  • Coloring Book
  • Crayons
  • Monster Trucks
  • A change of clothes for the toddler
  • Ziplock bag for icky clothes...because $#!% happens;) Ha!
  • Wet Ones for sticky fingers
  • Snack Crackers
  • Fiber One Bars
  • A Picnic Blanket
  • Trash Bags
  • First Aid Kit
  • Children's Pepto-this stuff is awesome!
It is so great when I am out and about and have everything I need all in one place. Do you do something like this? What kinds of things do you keep in your car for mini-mergencies?

I am linking up with some of these lovely blogs:


  1. Great post Amy! I need to make one of these for my car, especially with lots of snacks!!!


  2. I put everything together and lug it out to the car every time we leave the house. This basket makes much more sense. Great list... my favorite item on your list has got to be the monster trucks :)

  3. love it! i made one too and its the best thing ever... i have to add some juice and playdough as well!

  4. Well miss smarty pants, i just may need to do this! :)

  5. What a great idea! I need one of these! Even 10, 9 and 5 year olds need a change of clothes sometimes. I found you through I Heart Naptime. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Just to clarify, I meant for spills, not poop!
    Also, I'm your newest follower!

  7. What a smart idea!

    I just stumbled this!

  8. Great idea!!! My mum has something similar in her car (of a grown up nature) in the winter with a blanket, shovel, torch, snacks, water etc in. In caes she gets stuck somewhere. We tease her about her end of the world crate, but it's really a good idea!

  9. my daughter packs something like this each time she goes on a trip that takes a bit great way to keep the little one busy and to have all that is needed come see me at

  10. Wow - what a great tip to share! saw you on linky party, I am now gfc following, Karima

  11. I love this idea! I really need to organize my car!

  12. This is SO organized and well thought out! I love will be on my Pinterest!

    Becky B.
    Organizing Made Fun

  13. I spend a lot of time in the car as well and always have a few things stashed in there, too. Mainly a change of clothes (underwear included), wipes and lots of plastic bags to put the yucky stuff in. Lately I've been grabbing boxes of crackers and bottled water to keep in the car as well, since I always happen to be going somewhere during snack time. You have a great stash and I'll have to look into this kid Pepto thing...sounds like something I could use!

  14. super idea! So great to have all that in one place and IN the car!


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