Thursday, December 29, 2011

Favorite Posts of 2011

Okay, so time for a little 2011 recap!
Here are 10 of my favorite posts from the past year:

This post is one of my biggest Google Search posts.
Apparently there are lots of people with ugly wood paneling who want to do something about it!
There is hope! :)

A really simple, but oh so cute garland for any holiday or party!

Can be made with any fabric for any holiday or event!
So simple, but so lovely.

Have a lemon tree or know someone who does?
You will love this tip!

Here are a few more posts on what to do with {LEMONS}

This is something that my family has always done and I almost didn't post about it.
Well, it has topped the charts as my most popular post of all time!
WHAT?!?!?! Check it out:)

I love these...they can be made in so many different ways for different looks.

This stuff is amazing...especially on preggo tummies!
Plus, I'm pretty sure you have the ingredients in your kitchen.

Still LOVING this stuff!

I didn't think I had really done all that much this past year,
but I had a hard time choosing just 10 posts to share!

It was a wonderful 2011 and I am so looking forward to 2012!
Thank you so much for reading!!!

You may find me linking up with some of these blogs:
Fingerprints on the Fridge, Making The World Cuter, Dittle Dattle, Mad Skills Monday, Skip to my Lou, Craft O Maniac, Delicate Construction, Ask Anna, New Nostalgia, House of Grace, Sassy Sites, Not Just a Housewife, Today's Creative Blog, My Craftie Life, Sew Much Ado, Seven Thirty-Three, Someday Crafts, A Diamond in the Stuff, My Girlish Whims, Somewhat Simple, Momnivores Dilemma, Paisley Passions, Fun to Craft, Make it, Wear it, Gluesticks, House of Hepworths, What Allie's Making Now, Finding Fabulous, A Little Knick Knack, Mommas Kinda Crafty, Its a Hodgepodge Life, Inspiring Creations, Be Different Act Normal, Wildflowers and Whimsy, Tatertots and Jello, The Idea Room, My Repurposed Life, Sew Many Ways, I Heart Naptime, Thirty Handmade Days, Under the Table and Dreaming, Creative Itch, Oops I Craft My Pants, Addicted 2 Decorating

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

{One Little Word} 2012

This is my fourth year of choosing a "word" to focus on for the upcoming year.

This year I really felt like I needed to work on my procrastination.

I tend to work really well under pressure and that leads me to wait until the last minute to start projects. The problem with that kind of process is that when "life" inevitably happens,
and things come up, I end up stressed out and overwhelmed.
*Sigh* When will I ever learn?

I did a search for "Opposite of procrastination" and was surprised to find "Discipline".

The more I thought about it, the more it made sense.
If you are disciplined you will do what needs to be done,
when it needs to be done, instead of THE NIGHT BEFORE it's needed.
Definition of DISCIPLINE
1: punishment
2obsolete : instruction
3: a field of study
4: training that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties or moral character
5a : control gained by enforcing obedience or order b : orderly or prescribed conduct or pattern of behavior c : self-control
6: a rule or system of rules governing conduct or activity
I thought about making that my "word", but it just felt too harsh. I mean, I need more of it in my life, but I wanted a word that would encompass more of who I am growing into.

I prayed for a word that would help me with my specific procrastination problem,
but would also allow for all around growth and improvement.

The word I was given is:
Definition of FRUITFUL
1a : yielding or producing fruit  b :conducive to an abundant yield
2: abundantly productive
I latched onto "Abundantly Productive" to help me with my anti-procrastination goal,
but then I thought about the Spiritual implications of the word and got so excited!

This word is totally perfect for me!

I have had Galatians 5:22-23 on my heart alot lately:
 "22 But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!" (NLT)

These are all things that God has been leading me to increase in my life:
To be Abundantly Productive in my life.
To be filled with the Fruit of the Spirit.
To sow seeds in the hearts of my children and the people around me.

Matthew 12:33 NLT
“A tree is identified by its fruit.
If a tree is good, its fruit will be good.
If a tree is bad, its fruit will be bad."

Fruit is the outward expression of the inward nature.
My One Little Word for 2012 is Fruitful.

Here are my One Little Word posts for 2011, 2010, 2009

Do you have a word for 2012? I would love to hear what it is!

Monday, December 26, 2011

{Sing Holy} A Nativity Video

Okay, so I am now allowed to share this sweet little video with you!
It is a nativity video made by some very talented people at our church.
Happy Cows drink juice...true story.

Sing Holy from the Stirring on Vimeo.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Mary had a little, uh, cow?

My daughter was asked to play Mary in our church's Christmas video
which meant that I needed to come up with a costume!

I found a pattern that had Mary, as well as many other Nativity costumes at Joann's and was so excited because now I have costume patterns for future years for my boys as well.  
Simplicity 4797.

It just so happens that Joann's had their Simplicity patterns on sale, 5 for $5!
I was one happy mama:)

My daughter Brooklyn as Mary.
She sat so patiently and did such a great job.
I am so proud of her:)

I had to sew this costume TWICE because I am a dork and thought that if I went up a size then she could wear it for longer, not realizing that it jumped from a 7/8 to a 10/12! Uh, yeah, there is a pretty big difference between a size 7 and a 12. The first one could have fit me in all my pregnant-ness and was ginormous on my 8 year old, so I had to go back and remake it. Thankfully I had just enough fabric for my redo and now I have TWO Mary costumes! I wouldn't have planned it that way, but whatever. Now when I need the bigger size I will look like the awesome Mom who thought ahead;)
No one needs to know the truth, right? Ha!

She did this pose all on her own:)

I have this other kid who we decided to dress as a cow:)
Isn't he adorable?

I found some great cow print fleece at Joann's
and made the little lamb costume with it to come up with a cow.

Oh, and I started sewing it The. Night. Before. the video shoot.
Yep. I am a procrastinator.
(New Years Resolution? I think so!)
Thankfully I didn't have to sew this one twice! Mama learned her lesson with Mary;)

He did such a great job in the video, sitting and smiling.

I just love his face!

My sweet Mary and little cow.

I am DYING to see the finished video!
I will post it after Christmas:)

Linking up with some of these blogs:
Fingerprints on the Fridge, Making The World Cuter, Dittle Dattle, Mad Skills Monday, Skip to my Lou, Craft O Maniac, Delicate Construction, Ask Anna, New Nostalgia, House of Grace, Sassy Sites, Not Just a Housewife, Today's Creative Blog, My Craftie Life, Sew Much Ado, Seven Thirty-Three, Someday Crafts, A Diamond in the Stuff, My Girlish Whims, Somewhat Simple, Momnivores Dilemma, Paisley Passions, Fun to Craft, Make it, Wear it, Gluesticks, House of Hepworths, What Allie's Making Now, Finding Fabulous, A Little Knick Knack, Mommas Kinda Crafty, Its a Hodgepodge Life, Inspiring Creations, Be Different Act Normal, Wildflowers and Whimsy, Tatertots and Jello, The Idea Room, My Repurposed Life, Sew Many Ways, I Heart Naptime, Thirty Handmade Days, Under the Table and Dreaming, Creative Itch, Oops I Craft My Pants, Addicted 2 Decorating

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Haul Out the Holly: Double Sided Polaroid Ornament Tutorial

I am super excited to be participating in Gwen's 2nd annual Haul Out the Holly event!

Last year I shared a Mug Rug Tutorial,
and this year I am going to share a simple handmade ornament.

I love pictures on a Christmas is just so sentimental and special.
Unfortunately I cannot hang any on the "Charlie Brown Trees" that we cut down each year because the picture frame ornaments are just too heavy.

I went through my craft stash with a photo ornament in mind,
and when I saw the white felt I was inspired to make a Polaroid Ornament!

During the design process I decided to make it double sided.
I chose to do it this way so that you see a picture from both sides of the tree,
and as a bonus you don't have to try to "hide" an ugly back.

Double Sided Polaroid Ornament

Stiff Felt Sheet
Craft knife
Hot Glue Gun
Sewing Machine
Scrabble Tiles

Cut 2 pieces of felt into "Polaroid" shape.
I used scissors to cut the outside and a craft knife on a cutting mat for the inside.

Stitch along the top of each piece, as well as all the way around the inside window.
I used a med length zigzag on this one.

Make a line with your hot glue gun.
This will be the ledge that your photos will sit on.

Line up the two pieces and press together at the glue line.

Zigzag stitch down the side, across the bottom and up the other side to make a pocket.
Leave the top open! (remember we already sewed the tops)

Punch a hole in the top using a hole punch(I used a Crop-a-Dial).

Cut your picture to the right size and slide it in through the open top.
No exact science here people...I pretty much just eyeballed it;)

Cut the picture for the reverse side and slide it in as well.

Put the ribbon through the hole and tie a bow at the top.

The ribbon acts not only as the hanger,
but also as a way to close up the top of the ornament to keep the photos in.

Using a hot glue gun I attached scrabble tiles for a title.

My daughter was Mary for our church's Christmas video and with it being a Christmas ornament and all I thought this photo would be appropriate.

My son Travis was a cow in the video,
so I put this picture on the back and used more scrabble tiles to spell out COW.

I am looking forward to pulling this ornament out every year already has me feeling all smooshy.

I seriously LOVE seeing this on my tree!
I also love that it doesn't weigh down my wimpy tree:)

There are SO many ways you can customize these and they can be used for:
Stocking labels, Gift Tags, Garlands, etc.

Now go make some!

Thank you Gwen for inviting me to play again:) This has been such a fun series!

If you don't know Gwen yet, you must go check out her blog...especially her Tutorials
She is such an inspiration to me and is one of my best Bloggy friends.
I pretty much adore her and know you will too!

Linking up here:

Fingerprints on the Fridge, Making The World Cuter, Dittle Dattle, Mad Skills Monday, Skip to my Lou, Craft O Maniac, Delicate Construction, Ask Anna, New Nostalgia, House of Grace, Sassy Sites, Not Just a Housewife, Today's Creative Blog, My Craftie Life, Sew Much Ado, Seven Thirty-Three, Someday Crafts, A Diamond in the Stuff, My Girlish Whims, Somewhat Simple, Momnivores Dilemma, Paisley Passions, Fun to Craft, Make it, Wear it, Gluesticks, House of Hepworths, What Allie's Making Now, Finding Fabulous, A Little Knick Knack, Mommas Kinda Crafty, Its a Hodgepodge Life, Inspiring Creations, Be Different Act Normal, Wildflowers and Whimsy, Tatertots and Jello, The Idea Room, My Repurposed Life, Sew Many Ways, I Heart Naptime, Thirty Handmade Days, Under the Table and Dreaming, Creative Itch, Oops I Craft My Pants, Addicted 2 Decorating

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

{Tutorial} Simple Applique Onesie

Applique Onesies.
Babies go through several onesies a day, so these make great baby gifts!

Trace a shape on the SMOOTH side of Heat'N'Bond light.
I used a cookie cutter to get this heart shape:) Ha! Told you it was simple.

Iron the BUMPY side of the Heat'N'Bond to the WRONG side of the fabric.

Cut out shape and peel off the paper backing.

Place it wherever you want it.

Press with an iron to adhere it to the onesie.

Before sewing, unsnap the bottom of the onesie.

Slip the onesie around the machine so that you are not sewing the front to the back.

Stitch around the fabric.
I like to use a tight zigzag stitch to add definition.

In addition to the heart I made a simple Christmas Tree with a triangle and a tiny rectangle.
 I chose non-Christmas fabric so it can be worn at other times by other babies,
but is still cute for the season.

These were for a friend of mine who just had her sweet tiny baby girl.

Oh how fun it is to sew for a girl!

As you can see, I also made her a tiny Tutu!

We put it on her and OH. MY. YUM!

I vow to include a handmade tutu in every baby girl gift from now on.
Simple and inexpensive and oh so cute!

I will do a tutorial on that with the next one I make.

I am linking up to some of these blogs:
Fingerprints on the Fridge, Making The World Cuter, Dittle Dattle, Mad Skills Monday, Skip to my Lou, Craft O Maniac, Delicate Construction, Ask Anna, New Nostalgia, House of Grace, Sassy Sites, Not Just a Housewife, Today's Creative Blog, My Craftie Life, Sew Much Ado, Seven Thirty-Three, Someday Crafts, A Diamond in the Stuff, My Girlish Whims, Somewhat Simple, Momnivores Dilemma, Paisley Passions, Fun to Craft, Make it, Wear it, Gluesticks, House of Hepworths, What Allie's Making Now, Finding Fabulous, A Little Knick Knack, Mommas Kinda Crafty, Its a Hodgepodge Life, Inspiring Creations, Be Different Act Normal, Wildflowers and Whimsy, Tatertots and Jello, The Idea Room, My Repurposed Life, Sew Many Ways, I Heart Naptime, Thirty Handmade Days, Under the Table and Dreaming, Creative Itch, Oops I Craft My Pants, Addicted 2 Decorating