Please take a look around my blog, check out the layout, pages, buttons, sidebar and gadgets. I would love for you to gently critique my blog. I’m hoping you will leave me some positive feedback about my blog. It would be great if you could give me constructive criticism but be sure to tell me what you like about my blog too! Do you like my pictures? Does my blog load quickly for you? How about the font? All tips and tidbits welcome!
You are welcome to join the party, it starts Thursday night and is open for a week.

P.S. I am freaking out a little bit, but really would love to improve my blog for my readers. Thank you for your input!
Hi Amy! I am visiting form the blog hop! I like your blog as is...I feel your what I think is your personality through it! The only gentle suggestion that I have is to have your past posts higher in the sidebar because I LOVE to be able to see (right away) what else a blogger has to offer and then I tend to settle in for a while! :-) I've signed on as your newest follower and would like to invite you to come and review my blog and enter my giveaway. I also have some printable word art from 1 Corinthians 13! have a great weekend!
I'm a new follower and visiting from the blog hop!
Everything is so cute! I like the unique font. I agree that I would like to see your archives a bit higher up to showcase you and your awesome projects a little more.
Also, I think it's funny that your blog tells me "oh no you don't" haha, but I like to right click on things so that I can open them in a new window without losing the initial page. I can't do that here. That may just be a weird habit I have :) But, it helps me not lose the home page and the original blog I"m on.
I think I'm going to head over to some of those organizational blogs later today... :)
I was totally freaking out to! Such a scary thing to put yourself up for critique, right?? I lvoe the idea though :)
So to your blog - love the vibrancy and life in your colors and font choices...LOVE your adorable family photo...enjoy your the popular posts feature...
You like the Gilmores!!! YEAH!!!
LOVE that the bottom of your blog is clean and has an "ending"...I wish mine were more like that...
maybe to fix? the buttons aren't lined up on the sidebar on my screen...they are kind of randomly placed...and yeah...that's all i can find :)
thanks so much for joining in our little blog hop! I love your header font and the quote at the bottom of your page!
if you would like help getting those links to open in a new page, just write me an email, and I'll help ya out. OR you could download windows live writer and see how easy it is to navigate. If you do, I have LOTS of tips for ya!
I like the colors on your blog, and the about me and the adorable picture of your family!
to center your buttons over there -->
open the code and do at the beginng and again at the end Mispelled on purpose cause blogger thought I was trying to center my comment. :)
makes for a nice clean look.
enjoy the rest of your weekend, shoot me a note if I can help with anything!
it took out what I typed
center with <> in front and behind it
at the beginning of your code and again at the end of your code.
LOL..the Gilmore quote is great!
fun blog, full of personality! nice job!
Thank you for linking up to our party my dear! I love the infusion of fun, color, and whimsy when I 1st came upon your blog. It is full of personality and charism....makes me want to get to know you even more. Some gentle suggestions are to move your followers underneath you. I love that you feature yourself 1st, but for bloggers that move fast..they will get a glimpse of you read the post and then follow...having your followers up higher aids those bloggers who are completely invested in your little world. I would also suggestion moving your archives up higher. When I blog...I often look over there to see what other sweetness have I missed. I see that you use a Navi bar...I would lastly suggestion putting your popular posts in a link up there and free up some real estate for your sidebar. I often do not look at popular posts till I know a blogger or have time to dive deeper into finding out more about the blog/person. :) Once again these are just gentle thoughts. I know that taking a risk and putting yourself out there is very scary, but you should feel so proud and empowered. I hope that you are not a no-reply when dealing with comments. I always love being able to respond to my bloggers. Also...if you need anything, Gail and I would love to help. Just let us know what we can do. :)
Have a great finish to the weekend, and I hope this is the beginning of seeing more of you in little blog world. :)
Ha Ha! I love the Gilmore Girls quote! Great blog, I love the font you used.
My only suggestion would be to widen your margins a bit since your photos are getting cut off a bit on the right side. Other than that, I think it is great! I love the font and how well the colors coordinate with your background. :)
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