Thursday, July 30, 2009
K & B Playdate.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
- I am having a baby in 11 weeks +/-
- We have so much still to buy for him.
- Wondering if he will be early like B or make up for that by being late.
- He has to come out somehow **shudders**
I know it will all be worth it once he is in my arms.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Once home I rolled primer on the walls of the entry room and the hallway and then I had to get up on the ladder to do the edging. Usually that is not a problem for me, but with the addition of the enormous lump protruding from the front of my body, my center of gravity has changed quite a bit, which made the task much more difficult. After priming I had to lay on a heating pad to help relax the spasms of pain that were shooting down my right leg with every step, then it was time to roll the paint, edge, and do clean up. I finally finished at 10:30.
Today I am SO sore.....and I get to do it all again, only this time in the new office:) Thank God for Tylenol, Bag Balm and coffee!!!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
The end is in sight!
This is what I got to do last night to get prepped for texture
Today our friend Josh is coming over to texture the walls of our new office, the entry, the hallway, the kitchen patches and the hall bathroom(He doesn't know about that last one yet). After that I get to paint! I LOVE to paint walls. I will put on some music and my painting sweats, brew some coffee and go to town. I love to watch something as simple as paint completely transform a room...the whole feel is different afterwards. I'm not doing anything crazy with color this time....just taupe, but it will be a far cry from the white/blue paint combo, complete with a blue rose wallpaper border to separate the colors and an oversize chair rail, which were left to us by the previous owners. After the painting is done, it's time for Jon to put in the baseboards and new door trim. Then we get to move the office and I will finally have a place to put all the baby stuff that has been stacking up all over the place.
I am so excited that I will soon have my house back! I am brewing some coffee and waiting ever so patiently for Josh to get here so we can get started:)
Here are some pictures to show you what our lives have been like the past couple months:

Friday, July 03, 2009
Speak up!
Moral of the story folks: Speak up! Have your child evaluated if you believe they are in the wrong level of any the long run it will save you time, money and frustration and will keep your child from boredom or feeling like a failure.
~Jill Churchill