Saturday, January 22, 2011

Painting Wood Paneling

I have been dying to do something with this room
since we first moved in. 

See all that dark wood paneling?
See the dark carpet?
See the dark furniture?

Yep. DARK. The room is a cave.
It is also messy;)

 There is a window, but it doesn't get any direct sunlight. See? Cave.

This giant stone fireplace area doesn't help either;)

Home Depot had a paint sale last weekend; 50% off Glidden paint.I went and picked up 2 gallons of paint and 1 gallon of primer.

Before we painted there was some prep that had to be done. I am not a fan of prep work,
but my daddy always says:
"If it's worth doing, it's worth doing right!"
Grrrr! Stupid Daddy's Girl.

Step 1: Sweep walls to get off all the dust.
Step 2: Scrub the walls with TSP(our bucket was black when we were done...EEEEW!)

Step 3: Sand. We sanded just enough to rough up the surface.

Step 4: Wipe down walls with a damp cloth to remove the sanding residue.

Step 5: Prime.

When you prime wood paneling you will spend what feels like half of your life painting inside the cracks. Blah! My hand is cramping up in terror just thinking about it.

Make sure that you use the tip of your brush to get primer into all the knots in the wood.

Then roll a nice thick coat on the rest of the wall surface to help your paint stick.

Step 6: PAINT!

This is my favorite part:)
I love cracking open a new can of paint!

The color is Fresh Pineapple from Glidden
Isn't it just so sunny and happy?

This is me after 7 solid hours of prep and painting.
At this point I had not even finished 1 full coat of the paint, but it was 3 A.M. and I had to get some sleep.

The next night I started at 8 and finished painting by 3A.M.

I put in over 14 hours of labor doing this and my husband put in about 6, so that's over 20 hours on this one room and we are not even done! I still have all the door and window trim to paint and Jon is going to put in new baseboards and add some crown molding(which I will then have to paint).

I did 3 coats of paint to ensure good coverage. 

Here is a picture of the room right after I pushed all the furniture back against the walls.

I will take a better photo once the trim is painted.

I am linking up with some of these fun-tastic blogs:)


Jenna said...

Wow, good job! That was a ton of work but it already looks way better. I can't wait to see the finished product.

nono said...

It looks so much happier! Great job.

Anna said...

Looks great Amy! Crown molding will look awesome in the room. :)

Tammi said...

looks amazing!! I love the color!:)

Ginger said...

Look'n good! Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Monday!

Amy at Ameroonie Designs said...

the yellow looks fantastic! It will be worth all the hard work to enjoy a bright cheery space like that!

Anonymous said...

It looks great! I will be bookmarking your tips just in case our next house has paneling. :)

Nat Mac said...

That turned out sooo good!! I think it looks so cool to paint over the panels instead of taking them down!! Your hard work paid off!!

Becky @ I Burned The Brownies said...

I have paneling in my living room, too. It's in desperate need of a makeover! Your's turned out great!
Btw, I found you over at Sassy Sites! New folower!

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy! Your room looks wonderful! Wow, it was a lot of work, I know. We had a dark cave with paneled walls and I wanted to paint them the moment we moved in our home. My hubby said no!! Well, after 10 years I finally convinced him. :) But, we hired it done. I don't think I could have done it. You did it the right way! I know priming kills you but it's so important! Now your room is filled with sunshine! ;)
be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Gwen @ Gwenny Penny said...

Looks great, Amy! What a difference. Paneling is tough... it's well worth the pain, though. I hate prep work, too!

Christina @ It's a Keeper said...

This looks great! I would love for you to link this or any of your projects or recipes to my blog hop @ It's a Keeper Thursdays.

Thanks so much for sharing!

Larri said...

What a fabulous difference the paint makes! Can't wait to see it finished. My BIL is a professional house painter, and it's so labor intensive...hence, the hefty price for hiring out. You saved a bundle and it looks greats! Thanks for sharing. New Follower who found you through PP's blog hop. Happy Thursday! :o)

Anonymous said...

Are you living in my house? Cause that room looks just like my DARK family room that I hate! I've been trying to sweet talk my husband into agreeing to a paint job in there for 10 years and it isn't working. LOL You're a lucky duck! :)

Brandy said...

WHAT a difference! It looks wonderful!

Melissa said...

It is so hard when it takes so much work! But the after is amazing! Thanks for sharing your project with us over at Tuesday Tell All!

Unknown said...

Your new walls are beautiful. I wanted to feature your idea and link to your blog at, but your blog won't let me copy a picture of the final product. I don't do a feature without a picture. Great job!

Unknown said...

Ok, I got a picture and am featuring it today at Thanks for letting me copy it!

Unknown said...

Grab my "featured" button.

Zerique said...

i did a similar project in my living room. dark dungeon turned into a light and airy room. complete overhaul with just a can of paint. lots of work, but not as bad as i thought.

Tanya said...

Wow, love the shade of yellow you chose! Big improvement! If I can offer a tip, paint your baseboards and crown moulding before you install them...that way you just have to touch up the nail holes when it's in place. Your arms and back will thank you.

Katherine said...

Looking brighter already! Painting is hard work but so rewarding! Great job!

Marie@Procrastinating in Pink said...

Thanks for sharing! My parents have paneling that I'm trying to convince them to paint! haha! Following you now!

Pamela said...

You will never regret this and all the work is worth it, looks great! I painted all the paneling in a 70's mobile home I once lived in. It came complete with harvest gold shag carpet and appliances. Ugh! What a difference paint can make, I did mine in white and you are right, those crevices are a nightmare! After the walls looked so pretty in white the appliances got a coat of appliance paint in white, works great too.

ann alba said...

I love the color I wish my Mother in law would do something to her basement its been the same floor & paneling since they bought the house they would be at least 56 years ago.

nicolette {momnivores dilemma} said...


Wow. That's a LOT of work...

Thanks for linking up to Creative Juice last week.

FYI: Creative Juice is on hiatus until the week of Valentine's Day because of The Beat the Winter Blues Party.

If you have any cool photo project you'd like to link up...stop by!

nicolette {momnivores dilemma} said...

Hey Amy-

Just wanted to let your know that your blood, sweat, and tears is going to be featured this week at Creative Juice! Stop by and grab a button from my header if you'd like...

Kristi @ Addicted 2 Decorating said...

Beautiful!! I absolutely love the color. It's such a cheerful color. Isn't it amazing what a coat (or two, or three) of paint can do?!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the step by step guide for painting the walls and I just appreciate you for the nice work done that completely changed its look..
ashburn painters

The most important thing she’d learned over the years was that there was no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one."
~Jill Churchill