Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring Fling Giveaway!!!

***This Giveaway is now CLOSED***
Well my friends, the day has arrived!

29 giveaways in 14 days!
Today is day one of the Spring Fling giveaway! Today is also my very first giveaway.
I am so excited to be able to give a little something back to my amazing readers.

This is what I am giving away:

An aromatherapy neck heating pad with lavender scent
and a ***Burt's Bees Polka Dot Perfect Mani-Pedi kit.***

The kit includes:
Red polka dot bag
Replenishing Lip Balm with Pomegranate Oil
Almond Milk Beeswax Hand Creme
Coconut Foot Creme
Lemon Butter Cuticle Cream
Bee Nail File
2 Cuticle Sticks

Here's a better photo of the neck heating pad:

To enter you must be a public follower of Increasingly Domestic
Tell me something random.
Yep, I wanna know about your cat that does that crazy thing
or your kid that said something so funny the other day.

For Extra entries you can:

~Like me on Facebook.

She is having a giveaway today too!

Yep, 4 entries.
Leave a separate comment for each entry.

A winner will be announced on Wednesday, March 23rd.
(Entry cutoff is midnight Tuesday, Pacific time)
Thanks and good luck~

***This giveaway is not sponsored by Burt's Bees.
I just really love their products and use these myself.***


LP aka A Crafty Southern Chick said...

I'm a follower :) and I really, really love Sharpie pens. (random enough? hehehe)

Rebecca said...

I am a follower....and I have a fat orange cat named Cricket :)

Rebecca said...

I like you on Facebook!
Rebecca T.

Rebecca said...

I follow Wildflowers and Whimsy!

Rebecca said...

I follow Crafty Southern Chick!

Life, Crafts and Whatever said...

I'm a follower thru GFC! Locusts scare the bejeezus outta me!

jenfur427 at hotmail dot com

Life, Crafts and Whatever said...

I liked you on FB!

Life, Crafts and Whatever said...

I already follow a Crafty Southern Chick!

Lumiya said...

I follow you!

Lumiya said...

I follow wildflowers and whimsy!

Lumiya said...

We are teaching our daughter to recognize letter sounds. When we asked her to come up with a "c" word she blurted out sea horse.

Debra said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jenney said...

I liked you on facebook!

Jenney said...

Reece came out screaming the other day saying "JACK SAID THE F WORD!" I walked over to Jack and said in fear "What is the F word?" He looked at me and said "Fart!" I almost passed out with relief. So my kids say the f word.

The Miller Five said...

I'm a new follower! I don't have a dishwasher and I HATE it!

The Miller Five said...

I like you on Facebook!

The Miller Five said...

I follow Wildflowers and Whimsy!

Katie @ EyeSpyDIY said...

I'm a follower. Hmm my random fact, I have three cats whose names all begin with the letter G (gaia, gizmo and gilly).

Katie @ EyeSpyDIY said...

I also follow A Crafty Southern Chick.

Jennifer Smith said...

The only thing I can think of right now is how bad my tooth hurts. I need a root canal, but I have to wait until I have my baby in a few weeks...So ur Giveaway is just what I need!

Jennifer Smith said...

I follow You!

Jennifer Smith said...

I follow Wildflowers&Whimys

Jennifer Smith said...

I LIKE you on FB

Jamie said...

I'm a follower

Jamie said...

I follow wildflowers & whimsy

Unknown said...

something random...when i was 8 i got my head stuck in the stair rails at our house and my dad had to cut them to get me out. 2 weeks later i did it again. not too bright as a child...
tattgiff at

Unknown said...

u on fb as amber gi
tattgiff at

Unknown said...

follow w&w
tattgiff at

Unknown said...

follow a crafty southern chick,too
thank you! i like the heating pad, and love burts
tattgiff at

Willefam said...

I am a follower- something random... I went to Hobby Lobby yesterday for the first time in 2 years and had to keep telling myself to close my mouth!!! It was craft heaven:)

Willefam said...

I follow W & W :)

Heather Gabrielli said...

So of course I follow you! OK so our elderly neighbor (Mr. Joe) just recently passed away. My 8yr old son (Darren) and I used to go over there to bring him dinner or mow his lawn. He would always offer us an ice cream. ALWAYS. He loved his ice cream. When I told Darren that Mr.Joe had died that day he didn't say anything in response or ask any questions. About 4 days later I went into his room to wake him up for school and he was laying awake in his bed. He had tears in his eyes and I was immediately concerned. I asked him "Baby whats wrong?" He said with tears falling down his face "I just think it's sad that we will never have an Ice Cream Cone with Mr. Joe again, Never!" I agreed. :(

Stephanie McDonnell said...

My daughter says donuts aren't bad for her. They're delicious for her. ;)
Following you!

Stephanie McDonnell said...

I follow Wildflowers and Whimsy

Stephanie McDonnell said...

I follow a Craft Southern Chick

Heather Gabrielli said...

~Already Liked you on Facebook!

Heather Gabrielli said...

~Now following Wildflowers and Whimsy.

Heather Gabrielli said...

~ Now following A Crafty Southern Chick.

Anonymous said...

I can't say "caterpillar" correctly, sad. I know.

Anonymous said...

Now following YOU :)

Anonymous said...

Now following Wildflowers & Whismy

Anonymous said...

or whimsy*

Jennifer said...

Something random--- I wear flip flops all year round, even winter!

Jennifer said...

following southern chick :)

Jennifer said...

also following wildflower & whimsy :)

Rebecca @ My Girlish Whims said...

i follow you.

i can blow a triple bubble with bubble gum. ohhh yeah

Rebecca @ My Girlish Whims said...

i follow southern chick

Rebecca @ My Girlish Whims said...

i follow april

Unknown said...

I follow you.

I collect buttons, lots of them... and I feel like I collect chapstick too cause I have tons of them, perhaps that's mostly because I misplace them and am constantly purchasing new ones. Burt's bees is my favorite!

Unknown said...

I follow southern chick.

Unknown said...

I follow Wildflowers and whimsy.

Unknown said...

And I like you on facebook!

Mariliis said...

I follow you and I hate Mr Bean. I just can't stand him. I feel sick if somebody talks about him or even worse, if I happen to see any of the series in TV. :)

mariliis1206 @

twelve30 said...

My granddaughter is always telling her Granddad to "make a good choice" when they are playing together. So cute. Thanks for the giveaway.

twelve30 said...

I'm a new follower of the Crafty Southern Chick blog. Thanks.

twelve30 said...

I'm a new follower of the Crafty blog. Thanks.

twelve30 said...

I'm a new follower of the Crafty Southern Chick blog. Thanks.

twelve30 said...

I'm a new follower of the Wildflowers and Whimsy blog. Thanks.

Unknown said...

I have a crazy cat who spends hours licking her reflection in the patio door. Thanks for the giveaway.

vinoworm said...

I am enjoying your blog more and more each day. My 2.5 yr old son is getting involved with our D&D game by rolling his dice on my spirit drum. He says it sounds like rain and I would have to agree with him.

Unknown said...

I already follow both your blog and the Crafty Southern chick blog.

Unknown said...

New follower of Wildflowers and Whimsy blog. Thanks.

vinoworm said...

I follow you on Facebook. :)

vinoworm said...

I am a follower of Wildflowers and Whimsy.

vinoworm said...

I am a follower of Crafty Southern Chick.

Heidi Lucille said...

Hi Amy! My cat sucks his tail. (I'm not even joking - totally looks like a baby sucking on his binky!)

Heidi Lucille said...

My birds (Crackers and Cheese Puff) love to take showers with me....and I (still) like you on Facebook. ;o)

Heidi Lucille said...

I have a stuffed duck named Platiky whom I took on a plane to LA about five years ago. He was sticking out of my bag and when the security people saw me - they thought I must be a terrorist and they swabbed his butt and ran tests on him! ...and I follow Wildflowers and Whimsy

Breaking Free From Old Ways said...

I am a new follower and my dog gets so excited for walks if you just say the word walk she goes crazy lol


Breaking Free From Old Ways said...

I am following wildflowers and whimsy!


Breaking Free From Old Ways said...

I am following a Southern Crafty Chick


Heidi Lucille said...

I'm training to climb half dome this year...and I follow A Crafty Southern Chick. :o)

Unknown said...

hmmm- already a follower

All my living room furniture is currently in my dining room, along with my dining room furniture

Jenna said...

I a follower and random fact- I'm a super cuddly person. I love love love cuddling with my hubby and if I don't feel I've had enough that day, I'm a little sad at bedtime {even though we cuddle going to sleep too}

Jenna said...

I like you on FB!

Dragonfliez Made said...

I am a follower and I think I have more facebook like than the blogs that I read ;-)

Dragonfliez Made said...

Following both Whimsy and CSC

Pam's Scribbles said...

when cutting the back yard try to avoid the wild onion clusters you will smell onions for DAYS

Unknown said...

I follow you and... the other day I was working on a project (I plan to make him one, but this project was for a friend) and my 19 month old came over. He studied it for a minute and then looked at me and said, "Mom! Cool!" I felt like a rock star!

Unknown said...

Like you on FB!

Unknown said...

Follow April @ Wildflowers and Whimsy.

Unknown said...

Follow Leigh Ann @ Crafty Southern Chick.

Unknown said...

I am your happy follower and I love chocolates and coffee ^^)

Unknown said...

I follow you on facebook ^^)

Unknown said...

I follow April ^^)

Unknown said...

And I follow Leighann ^^)

By the Bluegrass said...

I can pick up just about anything with my toes! I am following you.
(p.s. thanks for following me and I now have up your give away on my blog. I was thinking it started the 21st. Sorry about that.)

By the Bluegrass said...

I follow Wildflowers and Whimsey

By the Bluegrass said...

I follow A crafty Southern Chick.

Mike and Katie said...

i am a follower and my dogs tongue is too big for his mouth so it just hangs out...

Mike and Katie said...

i follow wildflowers and whimsy

Rissa @ Hazel and Honeysuckle said...

I'm a public follower

... aaaand I should be marking assignments right now but I'm procrastinating and joining in on this awesome giveaway instead! :D

Rissa @ Hazel and Honeysuckle said...

I liked you on FB!

Rissa @ Hazel and Honeysuckle said...

I follow Wildflowers and Whimsy.

Rissa @ Hazel and Honeysuckle said...

And finally, I follow A Crafty Southern Chick!

marissa [dot] milne [at] gmail [dot] com

April said...

I follow Increasingly Domestic & I have a semi-famous sister! My youngest sister was on Adventure Camp on the Discovery Kids channel....I shot the video that got her on.

April said...

I follow A Crafty Southern Chick.

April said...

I like you on FB!

Julee said...

I follow Increasingly Domestic...and I have webbed feet. How is that for random? lol

Ryan Tolley said...

I follow you and I like you on FB (well, I like you and follow you in person too)...Oh wait, that kinda sounded creepy...Reverse that - I follow you and like you in person, I think that sounds less creepy. Moving On.

Haylie has been learning colors in spanish. The spanish teacher told the kids to remember brown, by thinking coffee. Coffee is brown and kinda sounds like cafe'. We're in the car reviewing, Me-what is brown in spanish? Haylie-um. Me-think coffee, what sounds like coffee? Haylie (at the top of her lungs) LATTE!

I almost drove off the road, I was laughing so hard.

Angie Tolley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Angie Tolley said...

Oops that was supposed to be from me. I forgot to sign out of ryans acct.

Gwen @ Gwenny Penny said...

I'm a follower:) My childhood cat was named Biscuit. I couldn't say "biscuit", it came out "bikit". So, he became Bikit.

Lyndee @ A Recovering Craft Hoarder said...

My 9-yr-old came out of the bathroom having combed his coon skin cap. He constantly cracks me up.

Lyndee @ A Recovering Craft Hoarder said...

I follow A Crafty Southern Chick.

Christy Ja'neen said...

I already Like you on Facebook, and Random... Kalidorn my dog Sings, and my Daughters Cat ( Sir Onyx Gweynwvar Jack Nickolson Bigglesworth Snaggletooth Esq. III ) Earns a new name everytime he does something Horrible Bad!!! Rowdy our other dog...(he was given to us) is named after a wrestler... Rowdy Roddy Piper...Not sure who that is...
Does that date me? Oh Well!

MJ said...

Hey...this is Melanie from Lucky 7 Design. Something random about me is that I cant/wont/hate to drink hot liquids.

New follower as of yesterday...woohoo!


MJ said...

I LIKEd you on Facebook


MJ said...

I'm already a follower of Wildflowers & Whimsy and also a Spring Fling party girl (my day 3/26)!


MJ said...

Im a follower of A Crafty Souther Chick! She is my blogging her!


Jayna Rae said...

Something random. Hmmm . . . okay, so I totally cannot touch cardboard or newspaper or paper bags without cringing. Just the thought of it turns my stomach. I feel like those textures suck all of the moisture from my skin.

Elizabeth {the Path Less Traveled} said...

I'm a new follower (saw the giveaway over at while he was napping) and ...... am contemplating making yogurt. Probably would go for it if milk didn't cost so much!

pxilated said...

I love Burt's Bees. LOVE.

pxilated said...

I follow Wildflowers and Whimsy. ;)

craftytammie said...

i can touch my nose with my tongue :)

craftytammie said...

i follow crafty southern girl!

craftytammie said...

and i'm now following you too!

Emily said...

I'm a new follower! I found you through Krista at While He Was Napping. And when I saw Burt's Bees, I had to enter!

Emily said...

Something random...I LOVE rain, the way it smell, the way it sounds, everything about it, and I really hope it rains today!

Emily said...

I liked you on facebook!


Emily said...

I follow Wildflowers and Whimsy too.

Unknown said...

I am a follower!! I have an excessive show collection (most of which I don't ever wear lol).

Robyn said...

I'm a follower :-) Have been with g-reader for awhile, but just started "publicly" following today =)

Something random: I'm mildly claustrophobic... I can't sleep with my head turned towards a wall or my eyes hurt.

Robyn said...

Oh yeah, and I love Burt's Bees.

I also liked you on facebook.

Steph said...

I am a follower! And I looove fabric flowers!

Steph said...

Andd I follow Wildflowers and Whimsy!

Lauren said...

I follow your blog!

Lauren said...

I follow Crafty Southern Chick!

Lauren said...

I follow Wildflowers and Whimsy!

Tiffany said...

I like you on FB.

Tiffany said...

I'm a follower. Something random - While out riding yesterday, in order to avoid the interstate we ended up taking a 2 hour detour that led us back to the interstate about 10 miles further down. But we did see some beautiful scenery!

Emily said...

I'm a follower and something random well hmm... I"m the mom of three boys and have the only boys on my husbands side of the family which is saying a lot as he is the oldest of eight and his youngest sister is only a year older then our oldest boy. wow sorry that was rather long winded.

Emily said...

I also follow crafty southern chick

Emily said...

I also follow wild flowers and whimsy

Jessica said...

I am a follower. I had an 11 lb 5 oz baby boy in October!

Jessica said...

I like you on Facebook

Jessica said...

I follow Wildflowers & Whimsy

Jessica said...

I follow a Crafty Southern Chick

Angelia said...

I am a new follower. I found you though the linky at Not Just a housewife. I myself am not a housewife, and my kids are not little anymore. They are 16 and 12. But I find myself also being increasingly more domestic-especially crafting, decorating our house, etc.

Marie C. said...

What a really nice giveaway! Okay, something random...I still have the birthday letter my nephew sent me last year hanging on my fridge. He was five when he wrote: "Happy birthday Aunty Marie. I like to play with yuor cats with the laser pointer." For some reason that message makes me laugh -- of all the funny things to say in a birthday greeting! :-)

Unknown said...

I am a follower and... random? I ate an entire snack pack of Twix today. In the WalMart parking lot. Craving much?

saskia said...

Follow Wildflowers and Whimsy

saskia said...

I Follow crafty southern chic

saskia said...

Random, I have 2 tattoos, one on my anxle, one on my shoulder- and I have 7 kids... and uh, I make waldorf inspired dollies!

Alexandra said...

I follow! And lets see.. something random.. I have ADHD and I am becoming a teacher. The other day I learned that ADHD is a disability (according to my Special Ed Prof). Woo!

alexandra_digiorgio at comcast dot net

Alexandra said...

I follow a crafty southern chick!

alexandra_digiorgio at comcast dot net

Alexandra said...

I "like" you on Facebook!

alexandra_digiorgio at comcast dot net

Alexandra said...

I follow Wildflowers & Whimsy!

alexandra_digiorgio at comcast dot net

Ashley S said...

I've had a splinter in my leg for 23 years. Seriously.

Ashley S said...

Also, I liked your page on Facebook!

Lili said...

My husband is finally putting up doors in front of the little laundry area and I have garlic breath, cause I finished off bag of croutons.

Lesli said...

I follow this blog via Google Friend Connect {Lesli}

Random: I have a Pixies song stuck in my head. But I love them so its okay. :D

littleumbrella (at) att (dot) net

Lesli said...

I like you on Facebook.


littleumbrella (at) att (dot) net

Lesli said...

I follow Wildflowers and Whimsy via Google Friend Connect {Lesli}

littleumbrella (at) att (dot) net

Lesli said...

I follow A Crafty Southern Chick via Google Friend Connect {Lesli}

littleumbrella (at) att (dot) net

The Garrett family said...

I am a follower.

The Garrett family said...

I really like the smell of skunks..How's that for random

The Garrett family said...

I liked you on facebook

The Garrett family said...

I follow wildflowers and whimsy

The Garrett family said...

I follow crafty southern chick

The most important thing she’d learned over the years was that there was no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one."
~Jill Churchill