I find out Monday if I have been approved for the AIM program......I am so nervous.
Several people have been asking if we are going to find out the sex of the baby and the answer to that question is "Heck yes!" I want to know.
Then they ask if we have names picked out yet. "Nope!" Names, like food, are just not appealing to me right now...so the name Apple is definitely out. I am hoping that once we know what this little one is, we will be inspired in some way. I like meanings of names, but that's not the sole criteria for a name for us. I think we will probably do the list thing we did when we were pregnant with B. Jon made a list, I made a list and then we traded and crossed off any names we vetoed (FRIENDS reference) as well as any names that were on the most popular name lists for the prior three years. Maybe this time we will dump out all of our scrabble letters on the table and just roll with whatever is in the tiles......that may just work.
You look so freaking adorable.....I just wanna kiss your cute little belly!
You are adorable!! Just wait a few more weeks- then you won't be able to get enough food and make up for the first 17 weeks! :)
Don't worry...I'm not going to try and kiss your little belly...it's pretty cute though =)
I hope the all-day sickness goes away soon. That can't be fun
I love you and I'll try and insert a few names into Jon and your lists=)
Amy, you look absolutely beautiful! glowing mama!
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